Promotional Items
Thank you for inviting me to share my ministry at your church or event. Here are some items you can use to help advertise for our time together.
Downloadable files:
Concert Poster
Christmas Poster
Hi-Res Photo A
(Photo will open in a new window. Right click and "Save As" to save to your computer.)
Short bio (copy & paste)
Lindsay Huggins is a highly sought-after worship leader and recording artist. Her music mirrors her personality. It is vivacious, joyful and relentlessly enthusiastic while maintaining an uncanny ability to speak with honesty and vulnerability about life as it is. And about life as it should be. She holds a Music Business degree from Trevecca Nazarene University and spent five years working for country music superstar Reba McEntire. Lindsay holds a song evangelist commission with the Church of the Nazarene and lives outside of Nashville, TN, with her husband Craig and two kids.